Our Story:
Hello! I'm Robert Wine, Owner and Operator of Blue Ridge RV LLC. Below is a small story of how I got here...
Prior to finding my passion and interest for working on RV's I have served as a firefighter/paramedic for the past 11 years; 8 of those years being with a large department in the Northern Virginia Region. I found a desire to serve others early on in life and made a decision to be the better part to their worst day.
Growing up in the Shenandoah Valley together, my wife Haley, and I have settled our family in beautiful Page County where today our business is based out of. Living in an area with so much to offer in regards to the outdoor lifestyle it was just a matter of time before we bought our first camper. Like many, even after all our research we were surprised at what little warranty was offered, how often things can tend to go wrong and what the cost is when they do. With versed background and desire to understand how things work I chose to dive right into learning everything I could in regards to RV's and their inner-workings; at times even removing and reassembling pieces of our own. After enrolling and completing courses to become a Certified Level 2 Technician by the RV Technical Institute (RVTI) and National RV Dealers Association (NRVDA), we found that the need for mobile service throughout the Shenandoah Valley was growing rapidly with service centers being few and far between. With full timers passing through the valley as well as permanent site residents, there was so many individuals who simply could not just move out of their unit and hand the keys over to a dealership with an unknown return date. Thus, Blue Ridge RV was created to fill a void and we have been nothing short of thankful for the support we've received from residents and visitors to supporting our small business.

Training Certificates Earned: